Referencia BACO 26
Color 26
Colección BACO
Repetición de patrón horizontal
Repetición de patrón vertical
Ancho 295 Cm
Composición 100% PES
stdClass Object
    [sync_id] => 344
    [lang] => es
    [product_id] => 176755
    [type_id] => 6
    [brand_id] => 51
    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
    [collection_id] => 203106
    [description] => BACO 26
    [slug] => baco/26/SKU-176755
    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-26.jpg
    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-26.jpg
    [images] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-26.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-26.jpg

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 2642
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 2643
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 2644
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


    [ean] => 8400001767551
    [color] => 26
    [size] => 295 Cm
    [sizes] => null
    [raportv] => 
    [raporth] => 
    [weight] => 220
    [avg_roll] => 30.00
    [allow_decimals] => 1
    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 90
            [simcarasc] => Z
            [simcar] => Z
            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
            [simtipo] => 1
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
            [simlavable] => 1
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 112
            [simcarasc] => p
            [simcar] => p
            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
            [simtipo] => 2
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not bleach
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 37
            [simcarasc] => %
            [simcar] => %
            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
            [simtipo] => 3
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 183
            [simcarasc] => ·
            [simcar] => ·
            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
            [simtipo] => 4
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

    [artSL_secadora] => 
    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 155
            [simcarasc] => ›
            [simcar] => ›
            [description_es] => Centrifugado
            [simtipo] => 6
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
            [description_en] => Spin
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
            [description] => Centrifugado

    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
    [artSL_Luz] => 
    [artSL_Pelable] => 
    [artSL_Rapport] => 
    [artSL_fuego] => 
    [artSL_encolado1] => 
    [artSL_encolado2] => 
    [measure] => m
    [distribuido] => 
    [alternative_id] => 
    [composition] => 100% PES
    [status] => VI
    [sample] => 
    [reference] => 
    [memo_article_id] => 
    [codFT] => 13924
    [custom_tariff] => 54077200
    [no_image] => 
    [variants] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 155675
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 999998
                    [description] => GRIT 16
                    [slug] => grit/16/SKU-155675
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/NATURE/GRIT-16.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/NATURE/GRIT-16.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/NATURE/GRIT-16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/NATURE/GRIT-16.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001556759
                    [color] => 16
                    [size] => 280 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 80
                    [avg_roll] => 40.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 86
                            [simcarasc] => V
                            [simcar] => V
                            [description_es] => lavar máximo a 30º agit. super
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_gentle.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low Clean 30º C very mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_gentle.jpg
                            [description] => lavar máximo a 30º agit. super

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 126
                            [simcarasc] => ~
                            [simcar] => ~
                            [description_es] => No Planchar
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not iron
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Planchar

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 65
                            [simcarasc] => A
                            [simcar] => A
                            [description_es] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [1] => 155994
                            [2] => 176755
                            [3] => 169970
                            [4] => 169771
                            [5] => 166489
                            [6] => 192949
                            [7] => 176758
                            [8] => 179748
                            [9] => 114208
                            [10] => 169692
                            [11] => 105827

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                            [0] => 155673
                            [1] => 155674
                            [2] => 155675
                            [3] => 155676

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                            [1] => 140048
                            [2] => 154487
                            [3] => 139324
                            [4] => 161560
                            [5] => 156022
                            [6] => 161701
                            [7] => 156021
                            [8] => 166552
                            [9] => 161431
                            [10] => 157300
                            [11] => 167834
                            [12] => 166493
                            [13] => 167183
                            [14] => 173598
                            [15] => 116771
                            [16] => 151340
                            [17] => 160491
                            [18] => 172470
                            [19] => 155959
                            [20] => 167605
                            [21] => 172492
                            [22] => 155995
                            [23] => 114198
                            [24] => 161475
                            [25] => 116035
                            [26] => 167577
                            [27] => 167701
                            [28] => 172333
                            [29] => 171480
                            [30] => 151290
                            [31] => 155677
                            [32] => 167879
                            [33] => 151575
                            [34] => 139136
                            [35] => 162642
                            [36] => 173605
                            [37] => 155474
                            [38] => 151282
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                            [44] => 155680
                            [45] => 174560
                            [46] => 155683
                            [47] => 139625
                            [48] => 176425
                            [49] => 155749
                            [50] => 155544
                            [51] => 172498
                            [52] => 115182
                            [53] => 151210
                            [54] => 151448
                            [55] => 167279
                            [56] => 162575
                            [57] => 155994
                            [58] => 160456
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                            [60] => 167246
                            [61] => 173601
                            [62] => 116570
                            [63] => 160464
                            [64] => 114460
                            [65] => 166521
                            [66] => 167875
                            [67] => 179266
                            [68] => 169712
                            [69] => 155712
                            [70] => 157431
                            [71] => 173429
                            [72] => 166544
                            [73] => 162454
                            [74] => 172239
                            [75] => 173636
                            [76] => 139903
                            [77] => 151446
                            [78] => 172193
                            [79] => 166488
                            [80] => 162045
                            [81] => 156019
                            [82] => 155462
                            [83] => 174350
                            [84] => 155525

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 155675
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 999998
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 170557
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/NOTOS-16.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
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                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/NOTOS-16.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
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                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 97
                            [simcarasc] => a
                            [simcar] => a
                            [description_es] => En seco productos minerales
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean with minerals
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description] => En seco productos minerales

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
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                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
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                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [2] => 169686
                            [3] => 169688
                            [4] => 169690
                            [5] => 169692
                            [6] => 167806
                            [7] => 169743
                            [8] => 169747
                            [9] => 169806
                            [10] => 169810
                            [11] => 169814

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                            [0] => 170552
                            [1] => 170553
                            [2] => 170554
                            [3] => 170555
                            [4] => 170556
                            [5] => 170557
                            [6] => 170558

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                            [2] => 169786
                            [3] => 167806
                            [4] => 169739
                            [5] => 169801

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                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 170557
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
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                            [collection_id] => 202899
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                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/CELTA/PICTOS-16.jpg


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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
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                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 65
                            [simcarasc] => A
                            [simcar] => A
                            [description_es] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Delicate dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
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                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

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                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

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                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
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                            [2] => 155951
                            [3] => 155955
                            [4] => 155995
                            [5] => 166170
                            [6] => 166178
                            [7] => 166182

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                            [6] => 161701
                            [7] => 156021
                            [8] => 166552
                            [9] => 161431
                            [10] => 157300
                            [11] => 167834
                            [12] => 166493
                            [13] => 167183
                            [14] => 173598
                            [15] => 116771
                            [16] => 151340
                            [17] => 160491
                            [18] => 172470
                            [19] => 155959
                            [20] => 167605
                            [21] => 172492
                            [22] => 155995
                            [23] => 114198
                            [24] => 161475
                            [25] => 116035
                            [26] => 167577
                            [27] => 155673
                            [28] => 167701
                            [29] => 172333
                            [30] => 171480
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                            [32] => 155677
                            [33] => 167879
                            [34] => 151575
                            [35] => 139136
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                            [37] => 173605
                            [38] => 155474
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                            [40] => 167186
                            [41] => 166123
                            [42] => 156656
                            [43] => 151503
                            [44] => 155620
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                            [46] => 174560
                            [47] => 155683
                            [48] => 139625
                            [49] => 176425
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                            [52] => 172498
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                            [54] => 151210
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                            [57] => 162575
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                            [59] => 174038
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                            [72] => 166544
                            [73] => 162454
                            [74] => 172239
                            [75] => 173636
                            [76] => 139903
                            [77] => 151446
                            [78] => 172193
                            [79] => 166488
                            [80] => 162045
                            [81] => 156019
                            [82] => 155462
                            [83] => 174350
                            [84] => 155525

                    [memo] => 
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
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                            [1] => stdClass Object
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                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 155994
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                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
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                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
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            [3] => stdClass Object
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                            [simcar] => p
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                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

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                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
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                            [simtipo] => 4
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                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

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                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
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                            [simtipo] => 5
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

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                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
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                            [6] => 192949
                            [7] => 176758
                            [8] => 179748
                            [9] => 114208
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                            [11] => 105827

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                            [1] => 169967
                            [2] => 169968
                            [3] => 169969
                            [4] => 169970
                            [5] => 169971
                            [6] => 169972
                            [7] => 169973

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                            [2] => 169955
                            [3] => 169936
                            [4] => 169933
                            [5] => 169960
                            [6] => 169948
                            [7] => 169944

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            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
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                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
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                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
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                            [simtipo] => 4
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                            [description] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno

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                            [simtipo] => 5
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                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

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                            [simtipo] => 6
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                            [description] => No Centrifugar

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                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
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                            [6] => 169865

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                            [2] => 167806
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                            [5] => 169801

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                            [0] => stdClass Object
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                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
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                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

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                            [id] => 109
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                            [description_es] => Tender vertical
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                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_drip_line.jpg
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                            [description] => No Centrifugar

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                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
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                            [description] => Lavado D seco Percloroetileno

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                            [4] => 169903
                            [5] => 169907
                            [6] => 169916
                            [7] => 166128
                            [8] => 166170
                            [9] => 166178
                            [10] => 166182
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                            [2] => 192528
                            [3] => 192529
                            [4] => 192565
                            [5] => 192947
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                            [7] => 192566
                            [8] => 192948
                            [9] => 192567
                            [10] => 192531
                            [11] => 192568
                            [12] => 192949
                            [13] => 192950
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                            [16] => 192952
                            [17] => 192533

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                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [1] => 170557
                            [2] => 155994
                            [3] => 176755
                            [4] => 169970
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 166489
                            [7] => 192949
                            [8] => 176758
                            [9] => 114208
                            [10] => 169692
                            [11] => 105827

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                            [0] => 179744
                            [1] => 179745
                            [2] => 179746
                            [3] => 179747
                            [4] => 179748
                            [5] => 179749
                            [6] => 179750
                            [7] => 179751
                            [8] => 179752
                            [9] => 179753
                            [10] => 179754

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                            [1] => 180228
                            [2] => 179755
                            [3] => 179973
                            [4] => 188989
                            [5] => 180224
                            [6] => 179816

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 179748
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                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
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                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

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                            [id] => 112
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                            [simcar] => p
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                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

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                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
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                            [simtipo] => 4
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                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
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                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
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                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

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                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
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                            [3] => 176755
                            [4] => 169970
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 166489
                            [7] => 192949
                            [8] => 176758
                            [9] => 179748
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                            [11] => 105827

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                            [1] => 114199
                            [2] => 114202
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                            [4] => 114204
                            [5] => 114205
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                            [10] => 114212
                            [11] => 114213

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                            [3] => 139324
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                            [31] => 155677
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                            [33] => 151575
                            [34] => 139136
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                            [47] => 139625
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                            [52] => 115182
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                            [68] => 169712
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                            [70] => 157431
                            [71] => 173429
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                            [73] => 162454
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                            [75] => 173636
                            [76] => 139903
                            [77] => 151446
                            [78] => 172193
                            [79] => 166488
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                            [81] => 156019
                            [82] => 155462
                            [83] => 174350
                            [84] => 155525

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                            [simcarasc] => s
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                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
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                            [id] => 156
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
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                            [description] => No Centrifugar

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                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
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                            [6] => 170557

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                            [27] => 169692

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                            [1] => 169831
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                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/NATURE/TRAMONTANA-16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/NATURE/TRAMONTANA-16.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001058277
                    [color] => 16
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 147
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 50%LI 50%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 1809
                    [custom_tariff] => 53092100
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 155675
                            [1] => 170557
                            [2] => 155994
                            [3] => 176755
                            [4] => 169970
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 166489
                            [7] => 192949
                            [8] => 176758
                            [9] => 179748
                            [10] => 114208
                            [11] => 169692

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 155753
                            [1] => 155754
                            [2] => 105824
                            [3] => 105825
                            [4] => 105826
                            [5] => 105827
                            [6] => 105828

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 105827
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9038
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202433
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => NATURE
                            [slug] => nature
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/NATURE.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/NATURE_m.jpg


            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 192414
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203291
                    [description] => RAUDAN 06
                    [slug] => raudan/06/SKU-192414
                    [description_large] => Funcional y polivalente, este visillo reciclado destaca por su caída liviana y discreta textura.
La gama cromática de Raudán evoca a Finlandia y sus largos ríos a través de sus 14 colores inspirados en la Naturaleza.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BALTIC/RAUDAN-06.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BALTIC/RAUDAN-06.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BALTIC/RAUDAN-06.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BALTIC/RAUDAN-06.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 5465
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BALTIC/PEPE PENALVER_BALTIC-14.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BALTIC/PEPE PENALVER_BALTIC-14.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001924145
                    [color] => 06
                    [size] => 325 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 110
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => 
                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% RECYCLED POLYESTER
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 14315
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                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 155675
                            [1] => 170557
                            [2] => 155994
                            [3] => 176755
                            [4] => 169970
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 166489
                            [7] => 192949
                            [8] => 176758
                            [9] => 179748
                            [10] => 114208
                            [11] => 169692

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 192411
                            [1] => 192412
                            [2] => 192413
                            [3] => 192414
                            [4] => 192415
                            [5] => 192416
                            [6] => 192417
                            [7] => 192418
                            [8] => 192419
                            [9] => 192420
                            [10] => 192421
                            [11] => 192422
                            [12] => 192423
                            [13] => 192424

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 191891
                            [1] => 191101
                            [2] => 191367
                            [3] => 192364
                            [4] => 191761

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 192414
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 20998
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203291
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BALTIC
                            [slug] => baltic
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BALTIC.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BALTIC_m.jpg



    [otherColours] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176737
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 00
                    [slug] => baco/00/SKU-176737
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-00.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-00.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2588
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2589
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2590
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767377
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 176914
                            [1] => 166488
                            [2] => 172935
                            [3] => 172855
                            [4] => 169712
                            [5] => 169818
                            [6] => 169664
                            [7] => 160019
                            [8] => 169739
                            [9] => 189229
                            [10] => 167834
                            [11] => 169831

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176737
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14234
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176738
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 01
                    [slug] => baco/01/SKU-176738
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-01.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-01.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2591
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2592
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2593
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767384
                    [color] => 01
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
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                    [no_image] => 
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                            [0] => 192417
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 189247
                            [3] => 189253
                            [4] => 171690
                            [5] => 114198
                            [6] => 172905
                            [7] => 192564
                            [8] => 170552
                            [9] => 114460
                            [10] => 169966
                            [11] => 195956

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176738
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14235
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176739
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 02
                    [slug] => baco/02/SKU-176739
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-02.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-02.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2594
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2595
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2596
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767391
                    [color] => 02
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [1] => 172881
                            [2] => 189239
                            [3] => 114461
                            [4] => 169767
                            [5] => 155949
                            [6] => 169728
                            [7] => 179745
                            [8] => 172913
                            [9] => 195244
                            [10] => 171708
                            [11] => 171731

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176739
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14236
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176740
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 03
                    [slug] => baco/03/SKU-176740
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-03.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-03.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2597
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2598
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2599
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767407
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                            [0] => 189248
                            [1] => 160494
                            [2] => 172877
                            [3] => 172896
                            [4] => 179746
                            [5] => 192528
                            [6] => 172919
                            [7] => 169667
                            [8] => 169675
                            [9] => 191309
                            [10] => 191768
                            [11] => 169680

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176740
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14237
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176741
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 04
                    [slug] => baco/04/SKU-176741
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-04.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-04.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-04.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-04.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2600
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2601
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2602
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767414
                    [color] => 04
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
                    [custom_tariff] => 54077200
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 189241
                            [1] => 171702
                            [2] => 191310
                            [3] => 192533
                            [4] => 171483
                            [5] => 166553
                            [6] => 155956
                            [7] => 169735
                            [8] => 177385
                            [9] => 169822
                            [10] => 169833
                            [11] => 114206

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176741
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14238
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176742
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 05
                    [slug] => baco/05/SKU-176742
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-05.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-05.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-05.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-05.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2603
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2604
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2605
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767421
                    [color] => 05
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
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                    [sample] => 
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                            [0] => 195959
                            [1] => 189242
                            [2] => 155936
                            [3] => 172954
                            [4] => 191304
                            [5] => 189234
                            [6] => 171703
                            [7] => 177379
                            [8] => 160033
                            [9] => 160024
                            [10] => 169864
                            [11] => 169669

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176742
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14239
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176743
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 06
                    [slug] => baco/06/SKU-176743
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-06.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-06.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-06.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-06.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2606
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2607
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2608
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767438
                    [color] => 06
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
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                    [sample] => 
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                            [0] => 155675
                            [1] => 170557
                            [2] => 155994
                            [3] => 169970
                            [4] => 169771
                            [5] => 166489
                            [6] => 192949
                            [7] => 179748
                            [8] => 114208
                            [9] => 169692
                            [10] => 105827
                            [11] => 192414

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176743
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14240
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176744
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 07
                    [slug] => baco/07/SKU-176744
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-07.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-07.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-07.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-07.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2609
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2610
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2611
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767445
                    [color] => 07
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 169744
                            [1] => 166555
                            [2] => 155946
                            [3] => 189244
                            [4] => 191311
                            [5] => 156015
                            [6] => 169956
                            [7] => 169934
                            [8] => 160497
                            [9] => 169965
                            [10] => 167849
                            [11] => 169772

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176744
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14241
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176745
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 08
                    [slug] => baco/08/SKU-176745
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-08.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-08.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-08.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-08.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2612
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2613
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2614
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767452
                    [color] => 08
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
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                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
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                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
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                            [1] => 172494
                            [2] => 176927
                            [3] => 167842
                            [4] => 171713
                            [5] => 192566
                            [6] => 172895
                            [7] => 189237
                            [8] => 172957
                            [9] => 160027
                            [10] => 167850
                            [11] => 169792

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176745
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                    [martindale] => 
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                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
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                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176746
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 09
                    [slug] => baco/09/SKU-176746
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-09.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2615
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2616
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2617
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767469
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
                    [custom_tariff] => 54077200
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 169721
                            [1] => 166173
                            [2] => 169870
                            [3] => 172853
                            [4] => 179753
                            [5] => 169800
                            [6] => 155952
                            [7] => 177376
                            [8] => 160048
                            [9] => 155674
                            [10] => 166491
                            [11] => 192948

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176746
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14243
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176747
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 11
                    [slug] => baco/11/SKU-176747
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-11.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-11.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-11.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-11.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2618
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2619
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2620
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767476
                    [color] => 11
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
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                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 189247
                            [3] => 189253
                            [4] => 171690
                            [5] => 114198
                            [6] => 172905
                            [7] => 192564
                            [8] => 170552
                            [9] => 114460
                            [10] => 169966
                            [11] => 195956

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176747
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14244
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176748
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 12
                    [slug] => baco/12/SKU-176748
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-12.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-12.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-12.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-12.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2621
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2622
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2623
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767483
                    [color] => 12
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                            [0] => 192946
                            [1] => 172881
                            [2] => 189239
                            [3] => 114461
                            [4] => 169767
                            [5] => 155949
                            [6] => 169728
                            [7] => 179745
                            [8] => 172913
                            [9] => 195244
                            [10] => 171708
                            [11] => 171731

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176748
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14245
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176749
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 14
                    [slug] => baco/14/SKU-176749
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-14.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-14.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-14.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-14.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2624
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2625
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2626
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767490
                    [color] => 14
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 189241
                            [1] => 171702
                            [2] => 191310
                            [3] => 192533
                            [4] => 171483
                            [5] => 166553
                            [6] => 155956
                            [7] => 169735
                            [8] => 177385
                            [9] => 169822
                            [10] => 169833
                            [11] => 114206

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176749
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14246
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [13] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176750
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 16
                    [slug] => baco/16/SKU-176750
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-16.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-16.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-16.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2627
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2628
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2629
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767506
                    [color] => 16
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
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                            [0] => 155675
                            [1] => 170557
                            [2] => 155994
                            [3] => 169970
                            [4] => 169771
                            [5] => 166489
                            [6] => 192949
                            [7] => 179748
                            [8] => 114208
                            [9] => 169692
                            [10] => 105827
                            [11] => 192414

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176750
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14247
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [14] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176751
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 17
                    [slug] => baco/17/SKU-176751
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-17.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-17.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-17.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-17.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2630
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2631
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2632
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767513
                    [color] => 17
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                            [0] => 169744
                            [1] => 166555
                            [2] => 155946
                            [3] => 189244
                            [4] => 191311
                            [5] => 156015
                            [6] => 169956
                            [7] => 169934
                            [8] => 160497
                            [9] => 169965
                            [10] => 167849
                            [11] => 169772

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176751
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14248
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176752
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 18
                    [slug] => baco/18/SKU-176752
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-18.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-18.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-18.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-18.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2633
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2634
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2635
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767520
                    [color] => 18
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
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                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 169672
                            [1] => 172494
                            [2] => 176927
                            [3] => 167842
                            [4] => 171713
                            [5] => 192566
                            [6] => 172895
                            [7] => 189237
                            [8] => 172957
                            [9] => 160027
                            [10] => 167850
                            [11] => 169792

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176752
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14249
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176753
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 19
                    [slug] => baco/19/SKU-176753
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-19.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-19.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-19.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2636
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2637
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2638
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767537
                    [color] => 19
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
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                    [sample] => 
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                            [1] => 166173
                            [2] => 169870
                            [3] => 172853
                            [4] => 179753
                            [5] => 169800
                            [6] => 155952
                            [7] => 177376
                            [8] => 160048
                            [9] => 155674
                            [10] => 166491
                            [11] => 192948

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176753
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [17] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176754
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 21
                    [slug] => baco/21/SKU-176754
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-21.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-21.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-21.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-21.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2639
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2640
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2641
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767544
                    [color] => 21
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
                    [custom_tariff] => 54077200
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 192417
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 189247
                            [3] => 189253
                            [4] => 171690
                            [5] => 114198
                            [6] => 172905
                            [7] => 192564
                            [8] => 170552
                            [9] => 114460
                            [10] => 169966
                            [11] => 195956

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176754
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14251
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [18] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176755
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 26
                    [slug] => baco/26/SKU-176755
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-26.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-26.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-26.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-26.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2642
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2643
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2644
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767551
                    [color] => 26
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [2] => 155994
                            [3] => 169970
                            [4] => 169771
                            [5] => 166489
                            [6] => 192949
                            [7] => 179748
                            [8] => 114208
                            [9] => 169692
                            [10] => 105827
                            [11] => 192414

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176755
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14252
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [19] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176756
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 29
                    [slug] => baco/29/SKU-176756
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-29.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-29.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-29.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-29.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2645
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2646
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2647
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767568
                    [color] => 29
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                            [0] => 169721
                            [1] => 166173
                            [2] => 169870
                            [3] => 172853
                            [4] => 179753
                            [5] => 169800
                            [6] => 155952
                            [7] => 177376
                            [8] => 160048
                            [9] => 155674
                            [10] => 166491
                            [11] => 192948

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176756
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14253
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [20] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176757
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 31
                    [slug] => baco/31/SKU-176757
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-31.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-31.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-31.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-31.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2648
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2649
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2650
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767575
                    [color] => 31
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
                    [custom_tariff] => 54077200
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 192417
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 189247
                            [3] => 189253
                            [4] => 171690
                            [5] => 114198
                            [6] => 172905
                            [7] => 192564
                            [8] => 170552
                            [9] => 114460
                            [10] => 169966
                            [11] => 195956

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176757
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14254
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [21] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176758
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 36
                    [slug] => baco/36/SKU-176758
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-36.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-36.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-36.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-36.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2651
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2652
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2653
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767582
                    [color] => 36
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
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                            [0] => 155675
                            [1] => 170557
                            [2] => 155994
                            [3] => 169970
                            [4] => 169771
                            [5] => 166489
                            [6] => 192949
                            [7] => 179748
                            [8] => 114208
                            [9] => 169692
                            [10] => 105827
                            [11] => 192414

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176758
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14255
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg


            [22] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 176759
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 203106
                    [description] => BACO 39
                    [slug] => baco/39/SKU-176759
                    [description_large] => Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos. 
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-39.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-39.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/BACO/BACO-39.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/BACO/BACO-39.jpg

                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2654
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_1.jpg

                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2655
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_2.jpg

                            [3] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 2656
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS LIFESTYLE/FOTOS LIFESTYLE 1200x1200/BACO/PP_Baco_3.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001767599
                    [color] => 39
                    [size] => 295 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 220
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => 
                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13924
                    [custom_tariff] => 54077200
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 169721
                            [1] => 166173
                            [2] => 169870
                            [3] => 172853
                            [4] => 179753
                            [5] => 169800
                            [6] => 155952
                            [7] => 177376
                            [8] => 160048
                            [9] => 155674
                            [10] => 166491
                            [11] => 192948

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 176737
                            [1] => 176738
                            [2] => 176739
                            [3] => 176740
                            [4] => 176741
                            [5] => 176742
                            [6] => 176743
                            [7] => 176744
                            [8] => 176745
                            [9] => 176746
                            [10] => 176747
                            [11] => 176748
                            [12] => 176749
                            [13] => 176750
                            [14] => 176751
                            [15] => 176752
                            [16] => 176753
                            [17] => 176754
                            [18] => 176755
                            [19] => 176756
                            [20] => 176757
                            [21] => 176758
                            [22] => 176759

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 176759
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 14256
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 203106
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => BACO
                            [slug] => baco
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/BACO.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/BACO_m.jpg



    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

    [memo] => 
    [usage_recommendation] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 8
                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                    [ilavado_char] => o
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 176755
                            [usage_id] => 8



    [wc_id] => 14252
    [martindale] => 
    [characteristics] => 
    [type] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 344
            [lang] => es
            [type_id] => 6
            [name] => Tejidos
            [slug] => tejidos

    [collection] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 344
            [lang] => es
            [collection_id] => 203106
            [brand_id] => 51
            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
            [description] => BACO
            [slug] => baco

Uso recomendado CORTINA Y VISILLO
Peso 220 g/m²
Lavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducidaLavar Maxímo 30º agit.reducida
No Lavar con HipocloritosNo Lavar con Hipocloritos
Plancha Temperatura BajaPlancha Temperatura Baja
Lavado seco PercloroetilenoLavado seco Percloroetileno
Buscar Retailer Buscar Retailer


Cortina en doble ancho de rejilla de estilo rústico que pone de manifiesto la belleza de lo natural y lo nativo, al igual que el parque nacional de los Montes Iglit-Baco, área protegida de Filipinas y del cual este sutil tejido toma su nombre.
Sus hilos texturizados parecen tejidos con el tradicional punto de red, dibujando una tenue cuadrícula por la que la luz deja pasar algunos de sus rayos, permitiendo crear ambientes acogedores e íntimos.
De tacto suave y fácil lavado, está disponible en una extensa gama de 23 colores, en donde destacan suaves tonalidades de lavandas, desenfadados verdes, aguamarinas y azules, o relajantes tonos arcillosos, taupes y cremas.

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