Referencia DERBY 01
Color 01
Colección DERBY
Repetición de patrón horizontal .00
Repetición de patrón vertical .00
Ancho 140 Cm
Composición 100%PES
stdClass Object
    [sync_id] => 344
    [lang] => es
    [product_id] => 160010
    [type_id] => 6
    [brand_id] => 51
    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
    [collection_id] => 202610
    [description] => DERBY 01
    [slug] => derby/01/SKU-160010
    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg
    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg
    [images] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg


    [ean] => 8400001600100
    [color] => 01
    [size] => 140 Cm
    [sizes] => null
    [raportv] => .00
    [raporth] => .00
    [weight] => 395
    [avg_roll] => 30.00
    [allow_decimals] => 1
    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 89
            [simcarasc] => Y
            [simcar] => Y
            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
            [simtipo] => 1
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
            [simlavable] => 1
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 112
            [simcarasc] => p
            [simcar] => p
            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
            [simtipo] => 2
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not bleach
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 37
            [simcarasc] => %
            [simcar] => %
            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
            [simtipo] => 3
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 183
            [simcarasc] => ·
            [simcar] => ·
            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
            [simtipo] => 4
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 115
            [simcarasc] => s
            [simcar] => s
            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
            [simtipo] => 5
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 155
            [simcarasc] => ›
            [simcar] => ›
            [description_es] => Centrifugado
            [simtipo] => 6
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
            [description_en] => Spin
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
            [description] => Centrifugado

    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
    [artSL_Luz] => 
    [artSL_Pelable] => 
    [artSL_Rapport] => 
    [artSL_fuego] => 
    [artSL_encolado1] => 
    [artSL_encolado2] => 
    [measure] => m
    [distribuido] => 
    [alternative_id] => 
    [composition] => 100%PES
    [status] => VI
    [sample] => 
    [reference] => 
    [memo_article_id] => 
    [codFT] => 12809
    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
    [no_image] => 
    [variants] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160471
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 999998
                    [description] => SOHO 11
                    [slug] => soho/11/SKU-160471
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/SOHO/SOHO-11.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/SOHO/SOHO-11.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/SOHO/SOHO-11.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/SOHO/SOHO-11.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001604719
                    [color] => 11
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 430
                    [avg_roll] => 25.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => DI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12826
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160010
                            [1] => 160020
                            [2] => 160029
                            [3] => 160038
                            [4] => 169766
                            [5] => 169775

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160468
                            [2] => 160469
                            [3] => 160470
                            [4] => 160471
                            [5] => 160473
                            [6] => 160474
                            [7] => 160482
                            [8] => 160483

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 174346
                            [1] => 140048
                            [2] => 154487
                            [3] => 139324
                            [4] => 161560
                            [5] => 156022
                            [6] => 161701
                            [7] => 156021
                            [8] => 166552
                            [9] => 161431
                            [10] => 157300
                            [11] => 167834
                            [12] => 166493
                            [13] => 167183
                            [14] => 173598
                            [15] => 116771
                            [16] => 151340
                            [17] => 160491
                            [18] => 172470
                            [19] => 155959
                            [20] => 167605
                            [21] => 172492
                            [22] => 155995
                            [23] => 114198
                            [24] => 161475
                            [25] => 116035
                            [26] => 167577
                            [27] => 155673
                            [28] => 167701
                            [29] => 172333
                            [30] => 171480
                            [31] => 151290
                            [32] => 155677
                            [33] => 167879
                            [34] => 151575
                            [35] => 139136
                            [36] => 162642
                            [37] => 173605
                            [38] => 155474
                            [39] => 151282
                            [40] => 167186
                            [41] => 166123
                            [42] => 156656
                            [43] => 151503
                            [44] => 155620
                            [45] => 155680
                            [46] => 174560
                            [47] => 155683
                            [48] => 139625
                            [49] => 176425
                            [50] => 155749
                            [51] => 155544
                            [52] => 172498
                            [53] => 115182
                            [54] => 151210
                            [55] => 151448
                            [56] => 167279
                            [57] => 162575
                            [58] => 155994
                            [59] => 160456
                            [60] => 174038
                            [61] => 167246
                            [62] => 173601
                            [63] => 116570
                            [64] => 114460
                            [65] => 166521
                            [66] => 167875
                            [67] => 179266
                            [68] => 169712
                            [69] => 155712
                            [70] => 157431
                            [71] => 173429
                            [72] => 166544
                            [73] => 162454
                            [74] => 172239
                            [75] => 173636
                            [76] => 139903
                            [77] => 151446
                            [78] => 172193
                            [79] => 166488
                            [80] => 162045
                            [81] => 156019
                            [82] => 155462
                            [83] => 174350
                            [84] => 155525

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160471
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160471
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 8936
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 999998
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => LIMITED STOCK
                            [slug] => limited-stock
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/LIMITED STOCK.jpg
                            [miniature] => IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/LIMITED STOCK_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 169766
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
                    [description] => AUSTRO 01
                    [slug] => austro/01/SKU-169766
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-01.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-01.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697667
                    [color] => 01
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES FR
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                            [0] => 160010
                            [1] => 160020
                            [2] => 160029
                            [3] => 160038
                            [4] => 160471

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169766
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169766
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9179
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 169775
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
                    [description] => AUSTRO 11
                    [slug] => austro/11/SKU-169775
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-11.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-11.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-11.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-11.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697759
                    [color] => 11
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => No Centrifugar

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 13430
                    [custom_tariff] => 59039099
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160010
                            [1] => 160020
                            [2] => 160029
                            [3] => 160038
                            [4] => 160471

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169775
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169775
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9188
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg



    [otherColours] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160009
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 00
                    [slug] => derby/00/SKU-160009
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-00.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-00.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600094
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167834
                            [1] => 169861

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160009
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160009
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160009
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9313
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160010
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 01
                    [slug] => derby/01/SKU-160010
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-01.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600100
                    [color] => 01
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160471
                            [1] => 169766
                            [2] => 169775

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160010
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160010
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160010
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9314
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160011
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 02
                    [slug] => derby/02/SKU-160011
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-02.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-02.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600117
                    [color] => 02
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160011
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160011
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160011
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9315
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160012
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 03
                    [slug] => derby/03/SKU-160012
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-03.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-03.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-03.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600124
                    [color] => 03
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160473
                            [1] => 167837
                            [2] => 167846
                            [3] => 167853
                            [4] => 167862
                            [5] => 169768

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160012
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160012
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160012
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9316
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160013
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 04
                    [slug] => derby/04/SKU-160013
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-04.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-04.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-04.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-04.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600131
                    [color] => 04
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160474
                            [1] => 160483
                            [2] => 167838
                            [3] => 167847
                            [4] => 167854
                            [5] => 167859
                            [6] => 167863
                            [7] => 169769
                            [8] => 169776
                            [9] => 169780
                            [10] => 169783
                            [11] => 169785

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160013
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160013
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160013
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9317
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160014
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 05
                    [slug] => derby/05/SKU-160014
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-05.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-05.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-05.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-05.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600148
                    [color] => 05
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167839
                            [1] => 169770
                            [2] => 169864
                            [3] => 171565

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160014
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160014
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160014
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9318
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160015
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 06
                    [slug] => derby/06/SKU-160015
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-06.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-06.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-06.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-06.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600155
                    [color] => 06
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160468
                            [1] => 167848
                            [2] => 167855
                            [3] => 169771
                            [4] => 169777
                            [5] => 169781
                            [6] => 169865

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160015
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160015
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160015
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9319
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160016
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 07
                    [slug] => derby/07/SKU-160016
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-07.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-07.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-07.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-07.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600162
                    [color] => 07
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160469
                            [1] => 167841
                            [2] => 167849
                            [3] => 169772
                            [4] => 169778

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160016
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160016
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160016
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9320
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160017
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 08
                    [slug] => derby/08/SKU-160017
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600179
                    [color] => 08
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160017
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160017
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160017
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9321
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160018
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 09
                    [slug] => derby/09/SKU-160018
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-09.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-09.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-09.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-09.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600186
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160470
                            [1] => 167843
                            [2] => 167851
                            [3] => 167856
                            [4] => 167864
                            [5] => 169774
                            [6] => 169779
                            [7] => 169782
                            [8] => 169784
                            [9] => 169866
                            [10] => 169868
                            [11] => 169869

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160018
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160018
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160018
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9322
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160019
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 10
                    [slug] => derby/10/SKU-160019
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-10.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-10.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-10.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-10.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600193
                    [color] => 10
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167834
                            [1] => 169861

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160019
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160019
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160019
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9323
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160020
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 11
                    [slug] => derby/11/SKU-160020
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-11.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-11.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-11.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-11.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600209
                    [color] => 11
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160471
                            [1] => 169766
                            [2] => 169775

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160020
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160020
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160020
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9324
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160021
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 12
                    [slug] => derby/12/SKU-160021
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-12.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-12.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-12.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-12.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600216
                    [color] => 12
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160021
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160021
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160021
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9325
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [13] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160022
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 13
                    [slug] => derby/13/SKU-160022
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-13.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-13.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-13.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-13.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600223
                    [color] => 13
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160473
                            [1] => 167837
                            [2] => 167846
                            [3] => 167853
                            [4] => 167862
                            [5] => 169768

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160022
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160022
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160022
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9326
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [14] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160023
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 14
                    [slug] => derby/14/SKU-160023
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-14.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-14.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-14.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-14.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600230
                    [color] => 14
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160474
                            [1] => 160483
                            [2] => 167838
                            [3] => 167847
                            [4] => 167854
                            [5] => 167859
                            [6] => 167863
                            [7] => 169769
                            [8] => 169776
                            [9] => 169780
                            [10] => 169783
                            [11] => 169785

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160023
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160023
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160023
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9327
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160024
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 15
                    [slug] => derby/15/SKU-160024
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-15.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-15.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-15.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-15.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600247
                    [color] => 15
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167839
                            [1] => 169770
                            [2] => 169864
                            [3] => 171565

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160024
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160024
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160024
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9328
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160025
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 16
                    [slug] => derby/16/SKU-160025
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-16.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-16.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-16.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600254
                    [color] => 16
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160468
                            [1] => 167848
                            [2] => 167855
                            [3] => 169771
                            [4] => 169777
                            [5] => 169781
                            [6] => 169865

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160025
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160025
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160025
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9329
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [17] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160026
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 17
                    [slug] => derby/17/SKU-160026
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-17.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-17.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-17.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-17.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600261
                    [color] => 17
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160469
                            [1] => 167841
                            [2] => 167849
                            [3] => 169772
                            [4] => 169778

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160026
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160026
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160026
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9330
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [18] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160027
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 18
                    [slug] => derby/18/SKU-160027
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600278
                    [color] => 18
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160027
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160027
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160027
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9331
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [19] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160028
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 19
                    [slug] => derby/19/SKU-160028
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-19.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-19.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-19.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600285
                    [color] => 19
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160470
                            [1] => 167843
                            [2] => 167851
                            [3] => 167856
                            [4] => 167864
                            [5] => 169774
                            [6] => 169779
                            [7] => 169782
                            [8] => 169784
                            [9] => 169866
                            [10] => 169868
                            [11] => 169869

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160028
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160028
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160028
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9332
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [20] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160029
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 21
                    [slug] => derby/21/SKU-160029
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-21.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-21.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-21.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-21.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600292
                    [color] => 21
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160471
                            [1] => 169766
                            [2] => 169775

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160029
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160029
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160029
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9333
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [21] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160030
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 22
                    [slug] => derby/22/SKU-160030
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-22.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-22.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-22.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-22.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600308
                    [color] => 22
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160030
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160030
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160030
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9334
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [22] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160031
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 23
                    [slug] => derby/23/SKU-160031
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-23.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-23.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-23.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-23.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600315
                    [color] => 23
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160473
                            [1] => 167837
                            [2] => 167846
                            [3] => 167853
                            [4] => 167862
                            [5] => 169768

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160031
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160031
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160031
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9335
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [23] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160032
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 24
                    [slug] => derby/24/SKU-160032
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-24.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-24.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-24.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-24.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600322
                    [color] => 24
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160474
                            [1] => 160483
                            [2] => 167838
                            [3] => 167847
                            [4] => 167854
                            [5] => 167859
                            [6] => 167863
                            [7] => 169769
                            [8] => 169776
                            [9] => 169780
                            [10] => 169783
                            [11] => 169785

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160032
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160032
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160032
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9336
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [24] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160033
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 25
                    [slug] => derby/25/SKU-160033
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-25.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-25.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-25.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-25.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600339
                    [color] => 25
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167839
                            [1] => 169770
                            [2] => 169864
                            [3] => 171565

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160033
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160033
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160033
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9337
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [25] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160034
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 26
                    [slug] => derby/26/SKU-160034
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-26.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-26.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-26.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-26.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600346
                    [color] => 26
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160468
                            [1] => 167848
                            [2] => 167855
                            [3] => 169771
                            [4] => 169777
                            [5] => 169781
                            [6] => 169865

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160034
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160034
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160034
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9338
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [26] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160035
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 27
                    [slug] => derby/27/SKU-160035
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-27.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-27.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-27.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-27.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600353
                    [color] => 27
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160469
                            [1] => 167841
                            [2] => 167849
                            [3] => 169772
                            [4] => 169778

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160035
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160035
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160035
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9339
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [27] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160036
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 28
                    [slug] => derby/28/SKU-160036
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600360
                    [color] => 28
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160036
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160036
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160036
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9340
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [28] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160037
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 29
                    [slug] => derby/29/SKU-160037
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-29.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-29.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-29.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-29.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600377
                    [color] => 29
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160470
                            [1] => 167843
                            [2] => 167851
                            [3] => 167856
                            [4] => 167864
                            [5] => 169774
                            [6] => 169779
                            [7] => 169782
                            [8] => 169784
                            [9] => 169866
                            [10] => 169868
                            [11] => 169869

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160037
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160037
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160037
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9341
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [29] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160038
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 31
                    [slug] => derby/31/SKU-160038
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-31.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-31.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-31.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-31.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600384
                    [color] => 31
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160471
                            [1] => 169766
                            [2] => 169775

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160038
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160038
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160038
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9342
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [30] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160039
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 32
                    [slug] => derby/32/SKU-160039
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-32.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-32.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-32.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-32.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600391
                    [color] => 32
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160039
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160039
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160039
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9343
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [31] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160040
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 33
                    [slug] => derby/33/SKU-160040
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-33.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-33.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-33.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-33.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600407
                    [color] => 33
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160473
                            [1] => 167837
                            [2] => 167846
                            [3] => 167853
                            [4] => 167862
                            [5] => 169768

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160040
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160040
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160040
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9344
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [32] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160041
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 34
                    [slug] => derby/34/SKU-160041
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-34.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-34.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-34.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-34.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600414
                    [color] => 34
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160474
                            [1] => 160483
                            [2] => 167838
                            [3] => 167847
                            [4] => 167854
                            [5] => 167859
                            [6] => 167863
                            [7] => 169769
                            [8] => 169776
                            [9] => 169780
                            [10] => 169783
                            [11] => 169785

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160041
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160041
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160041
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9345
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [33] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160042
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 38
                    [slug] => derby/38/SKU-160042
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600421
                    [color] => 38
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160042
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160042
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160042
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9346
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [34] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160043
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 39
                    [slug] => derby/39/SKU-160043
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-39.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-39.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-39.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-39.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600438
                    [color] => 39
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160470
                            [1] => 167843
                            [2] => 167851
                            [3] => 167856
                            [4] => 167864
                            [5] => 169774
                            [6] => 169779
                            [7] => 169782
                            [8] => 169784
                            [9] => 169866
                            [10] => 169868
                            [11] => 169869

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160043
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160043
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160043
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9347
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [35] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160044
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 42
                    [slug] => derby/42/SKU-160044
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-42.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-42.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-42.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-42.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600445
                    [color] => 42
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160044
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160044
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160044
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9348
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [36] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160045
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 43
                    [slug] => derby/43/SKU-160045
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-43.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-43.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-43.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-43.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600452
                    [color] => 43
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160473
                            [1] => 167837
                            [2] => 167846
                            [3] => 167853
                            [4] => 167862
                            [5] => 169768

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160045
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160045
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160045
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9349
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [37] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160046
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 44
                    [slug] => derby/44/SKU-160046
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-44.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-44.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-44.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-44.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600469
                    [color] => 44
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160474
                            [1] => 160483
                            [2] => 167838
                            [3] => 167847
                            [4] => 167854
                            [5] => 167859
                            [6] => 167863
                            [7] => 169769
                            [8] => 169776
                            [9] => 169780
                            [10] => 169783
                            [11] => 169785

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160046
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160046
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160046
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9350
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [38] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160047
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 48
                    [slug] => derby/48/SKU-160047
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600476
                    [color] => 48
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160047
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160047
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160047
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9351
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [39] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160048
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 49
                    [slug] => derby/49/SKU-160048
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-49.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-49.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-49.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-49.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600483
                    [color] => 49
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160470
                            [1] => 167843
                            [2] => 167851
                            [3] => 167856
                            [4] => 167864
                            [5] => 169774
                            [6] => 169779
                            [7] => 169782
                            [8] => 169784
                            [9] => 169866
                            [10] => 169868
                            [11] => 169869

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160048
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160048
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160048
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9352
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [40] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160049
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 52
                    [slug] => derby/52/SKU-160049
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-52.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-52.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-52.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-52.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600490
                    [color] => 52
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160049
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160049
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160049
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9353
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [41] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160050
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 53
                    [slug] => derby/53/SKU-160050
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-53.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-53.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-53.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-53.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600506
                    [color] => 53
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160473
                            [1] => 167837
                            [2] => 167846
                            [3] => 167853
                            [4] => 167862
                            [5] => 169768

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160050
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160050
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160050
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9354
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [42] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160051
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 54
                    [slug] => derby/54/SKU-160051
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-54.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-54.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-54.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-54.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600513
                    [color] => 54
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160474
                            [1] => 160483
                            [2] => 167838
                            [3] => 167847
                            [4] => 167854
                            [5] => 167859
                            [6] => 167863
                            [7] => 169769
                            [8] => 169776
                            [9] => 169780
                            [10] => 169783
                            [11] => 169785

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160051
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160051
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160051
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9355
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [43] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160052
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 59
                    [slug] => derby/59/SKU-160052
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-59.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-59.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-59.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-59.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600520
                    [color] => 59
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160470
                            [1] => 167843
                            [2] => 167851
                            [3] => 167856
                            [4] => 167864
                            [5] => 169774
                            [6] => 169779
                            [7] => 169782
                            [8] => 169784
                            [9] => 169866
                            [10] => 169868
                            [11] => 169869

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160052
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160052
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160052
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9356
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [44] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160053
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 62
                    [slug] => derby/62/SKU-160053
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-62.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-62.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-62.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-62.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600537
                    [color] => 62
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160053
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160053
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160053
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9357
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [45] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160054
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 63
                    [slug] => derby/63/SKU-160054
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-63.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-63.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-63.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-63.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600544
                    [color] => 63
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160473
                            [1] => 167837
                            [2] => 167846
                            [3] => 167853
                            [4] => 167862
                            [5] => 169768

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160054
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160054
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160054
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9358
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [46] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160055
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 64
                    [slug] => derby/64/SKU-160055
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-64.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-64.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-64.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-64.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600551
                    [color] => 64
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160474
                            [1] => 160483
                            [2] => 167838
                            [3] => 167847
                            [4] => 167854
                            [5] => 167859
                            [6] => 167863
                            [7] => 169769
                            [8] => 169776
                            [9] => 169780
                            [10] => 169783
                            [11] => 169785

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160055
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160055
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160055
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9359
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [47] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160056
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 69
                    [slug] => derby/69/SKU-160056
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-69.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-69.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-69.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-69.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600568
                    [color] => 69
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160470
                            [1] => 167843
                            [2] => 167851
                            [3] => 167856
                            [4] => 167864
                            [5] => 169774
                            [6] => 169779
                            [7] => 169782
                            [8] => 169784
                            [9] => 169866
                            [10] => 169868
                            [11] => 169869

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160056
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160056
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160056
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9360
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [48] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160057
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 72
                    [slug] => derby/72/SKU-160057
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-72.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-72.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-72.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-72.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600575
                    [color] => 72
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160057
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160057
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160057
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9361
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [49] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => es
                    [product_id] => 160058
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 82
                    [slug] => derby/82/SKU-160058
                    [description_large] => Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible  en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-82.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-82.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-82.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-82.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600582
                    [color] => 82
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Plancha Temperatura Baja

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => No Utilizar Secadora

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Centrifugado

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 160464
                            [1] => 160482
                            [2] => 167836
                            [3] => 167845
                            [4] => 167852
                            [5] => 167857
                            [6] => 167861
                            [7] => 169767
                            [8] => 169862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160058
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160058
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160058
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9362
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Tejidos
                            [slug] => tejidos

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => es
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg



    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

    [memo] => 
    [usage_recommendation] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 6
                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                    [ilavado_char] => k
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 160010
                            [usage_id] => 6


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 8
                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                    [ilavado_char] => o
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 160010
                            [usage_id] => 8


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 14
                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                    [ilavado_char] => n
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 160010
                            [usage_id] => 14



    [wc_id] => 9314
    [martindale] => 50000
    [characteristics] => 
    [type] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 344
            [lang] => es
            [type_id] => 6
            [name] => Tejidos
            [slug] => tejidos

    [collection] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 344
            [lang] => es
            [collection_id] => 202610
            [brand_id] => 51
            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
            [description] => DERBY
            [slug] => derby

Uso recomendado TAPICERÍA,
Martindale de Abrasión 50000
Peso 395 g/m²
Lavar Maxímo a 30 ºLavar Maxímo a 30 º
No Lavar con HipocloritosNo Lavar con Hipocloritos
Plancha Temperatura BajaPlancha Temperatura Baja
Lavado seco PercloroetilenoLavado seco Percloroetileno
No Utilizar SecadoraNo Utilizar Secadora
Buscar Retailer Buscar Retailer


Derby es un terciopelo de pelo corto disponible en una extensa gama de 50 colores.

La gran diversidad de matices tonales da lugar un sofisticado abanico de colores, haciendo de estos terciopelos de gran durabilidad y versatilidad, muy fáciles de combinar y de integrar en cualquier ambiente.

Tiene un ancho de 140cm y un martindale de 50.000 ciclos , por lo que son ideales para emplearse en tapicería, cortinas o decoración y se pueden lavar a 30º.

Productos Alternativos

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