Reference AUSTRO 08
Color 08
Collection FR BLACKOUT
Width Repeat cm.
Length Repeat cm.
Width 274 Cm
Composition 100% PES FR
stdClass Object
    [sync_id] => 344
    [lang] => en
    [product_id] => 169773
    [type_id] => 6
    [brand_id] => 51
    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
    [collection_id] => 202899
    [description] => AUSTRO 08
    [slug] => austro/08/SKU-169773
    [description_large] => 
    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-08.jpg
    [images] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-08.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-08.jpg


    [ean] => 8400001697735
    [color] => 08
    [size] => 274 Cm
    [sizes] => null
    [raportv] => 
    [raporth] => 
    [weight] => 450
    [avg_roll] => 35.00
    [allow_decimals] => 1
    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 89
            [simcarasc] => Y
            [simcar] => Y
            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
            [simtipo] => 1
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
            [simlavable] => 1
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
            [description] => Wash max.30º C

    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 112
            [simcarasc] => p
            [simcar] => p
            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
            [simtipo] => 2
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not bleach
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
            [description] => Do not bleach

    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 37
            [simcarasc] => %
            [simcar] => %
            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
            [simtipo] => 3
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 60
            [simcarasc] => <
            [simcar] => <
            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
            [simtipo] => 4
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 115
            [simcarasc] => s
            [simcar] => s
            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
            [simtipo] => 5
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
            [description] => Do not tumble dry

    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
            [id] => 156
            [simcarasc] => œ
            [simcar] => œ
            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
            [simtipo] => 6
            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
            [description_en] => Do not spin
            [simlavable] => 0
            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
            [description] => Do not spin

    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
    [artSL_Luz] => 
    [artSL_Pelable] => 
    [artSL_Rapport] => 
    [artSL_fuego] => 
    [artSL_encolado1] => 
    [artSL_encolado2] => 
    [measure] => m
    [distribuido] => 
    [alternative_id] => 
    [composition] => 100% PES FR
    [status] => VI
    [sample] => 
    [reference] => 
    [memo_article_id] => 
    [codFT] => 13430
    [custom_tariff] => 59039099
    [no_image] => 
    [variants] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 160017
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 08
                    [slug] => derby/08/SKU-160017
                    [description_large] => Derby is a short pile velvet available in an extensive range of 50 colours.

The great diversity of tonal shades gives rise to a sophisticated range of colours, making these velvets of great durability and versatility, very easy to combine and to integrate into any environment.

It has a width of 140cm and a martindale of 50,000 cycles, making it ideal for use in upholstery, curtains or decoration and can be washed at 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-08.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600179
                    [color] => 08
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160017
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160017
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160017
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9321
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 160027
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 18
                    [slug] => derby/18/SKU-160027
                    [description_large] => Derby is a short pile velvet available in an extensive range of 50 colours.

The great diversity of tonal shades gives rise to a sophisticated range of colours, making these velvets of great durability and versatility, very easy to combine and to integrate into any environment.

It has a width of 140cm and a martindale of 50,000 cycles, making it ideal for use in upholstery, curtains or decoration and can be washed at 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-18.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600278
                    [color] => 18
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160027
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160027
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160027
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9331
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 160036
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 28
                    [slug] => derby/28/SKU-160036
                    [description_large] => Derby is a short pile velvet available in an extensive range of 50 colours.

The great diversity of tonal shades gives rise to a sophisticated range of colours, making these velvets of great durability and versatility, very easy to combine and to integrate into any environment.

It has a width of 140cm and a martindale of 50,000 cycles, making it ideal for use in upholstery, curtains or decoration and can be washed at 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-28.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600360
                    [color] => 28
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160036
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160036
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160036
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9340
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 160042
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 38
                    [slug] => derby/38/SKU-160042
                    [description_large] => Derby is a short pile velvet available in an extensive range of 50 colours.

The great diversity of tonal shades gives rise to a sophisticated range of colours, making these velvets of great durability and versatility, very easy to combine and to integrate into any environment.

It has a width of 140cm and a martindale of 50,000 cycles, making it ideal for use in upholstery, curtains or decoration and can be washed at 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-38.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600421
                    [color] => 38
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100%PES
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
                    [memo_article_id] => 
                    [codFT] => 12809
                    [custom_tariff] => 58013700
                    [no_image] => 
                    [variants] => Array
                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160042
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160042
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160042
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9346
                    [martindale] => 50000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => DERBY
                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 160047
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202610
                    [description] => DERBY 48
                    [slug] => derby/48/SKU-160047
                    [description_large] => Derby is a short pile velvet available in an extensive range of 50 colours.

The great diversity of tonal shades gives rise to a sophisticated range of colours, making these velvets of great durability and versatility, very easy to combine and to integrate into any environment.

It has a width of 140cm and a martindale of 50,000 cycles, making it ideal for use in upholstery, curtains or decoration and can be washed at 30º.
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/DERBY/DERBY-48.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001600476
                    [color] => 48
                    [size] => 140 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => .00
                    [raporth] => .00
                    [weight] => 395
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 155
                            [simcarasc] => ›
                            [simcar] => ›
                            [description_es] => Centrifugado
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/centrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                            [0] => 167842
                            [1] => 167850
                            [2] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 160009
                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 160011
                            [3] => 160012
                            [4] => 160013
                            [5] => 160014
                            [6] => 160015
                            [7] => 160016
                            [8] => 160017
                            [9] => 160018
                            [10] => 160019
                            [11] => 160020
                            [12] => 160021
                            [13] => 160022
                            [14] => 160023
                            [15] => 160024
                            [16] => 160025
                            [17] => 160026
                            [18] => 160027
                            [19] => 160028
                            [20] => 160029
                            [21] => 160030
                            [22] => 160031
                            [23] => 160032
                            [24] => 160033
                            [25] => 160034
                            [26] => 160035
                            [27] => 160036
                            [28] => 160037
                            [29] => 160038
                            [30] => 160039
                            [31] => 160040
                            [32] => 160041
                            [33] => 160042
                            [34] => 160043
                            [35] => 160044
                            [36] => 160045
                            [37] => 160046
                            [38] => 160047
                            [39] => 160048
                            [40] => 160049
                            [41] => 160050
                            [42] => 160051
                            [43] => 160052
                            [44] => 160053
                            [45] => 160054
                            [46] => 160055
                            [47] => 160056
                            [48] => 160057
                            [49] => 160058

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160047
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160047
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 160047
                                            [usage_id] => 14



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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202610
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                            [slug] => derby
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/DERBY.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/DERBY_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 167842
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202855
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                    [slug] => calima/08/SKU-167842
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/CALIMA/CALIMA-08.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/CALIMA/CALIMA-08.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/CALIMA/CALIMA-08.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/CALIMA/CALIMA-08.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001678420
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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 399
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
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                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description] => Low clean 30º C mild

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
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                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
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                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [0] => 160017
                            [1] => 160027
                            [2] => 160036
                            [3] => 160042
                            [4] => 160047
                            [5] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 167834
                            [1] => 167836
                            [2] => 167837
                            [3] => 167838
                            [4] => 167839
                            [5] => 167841
                            [6] => 167842
                            [7] => 167843
                            [8] => 167845
                            [9] => 167846
                            [10] => 167847
                            [11] => 167848
                            [12] => 167849
                            [13] => 167850
                            [14] => 167851
                            [15] => 167852
                            [16] => 167853
                            [17] => 167854
                            [18] => 167855
                            [19] => 167856
                            [20] => 167857
                            [21] => 167859
                            [22] => 167861
                            [23] => 167862
                            [24] => 167863
                            [25] => 167864

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167842
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167842
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
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                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167842
                                            [usage_id] => 14



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                    [martindale] => 70000
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                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202855
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => CALIMA
                            [slug] => calima
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CALIMA.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CALIMA_m.jpg


            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
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                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/CALIMA/CALIMA-18.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001678505
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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
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                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 90
                            [simcarasc] => Z
                            [simcar] => Z
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                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30_mild.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low clean 30º C mild
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
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                            [description] => Low clean 30º C mild

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 183
                            [simcarasc] => ·
                            [simcar] => ·
                            [description_es] => Lavado seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_p_normal.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [0] => 160017
                            [1] => 160027
                            [2] => 160036
                            [3] => 160042
                            [4] => 160047
                            [5] => 169773

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 167834
                            [1] => 167836
                            [2] => 167837
                            [3] => 167838
                            [4] => 167839
                            [5] => 167841
                            [6] => 167842
                            [7] => 167843
                            [8] => 167845
                            [9] => 167846
                            [10] => 167847
                            [11] => 167848
                            [12] => 167849
                            [13] => 167850
                            [14] => 167851
                            [15] => 167852
                            [16] => 167853
                            [17] => 167854
                            [18] => 167855
                            [19] => 167856
                            [20] => 167857
                            [21] => 167859
                            [22] => 167861
                            [23] => 167862
                            [24] => 167863
                            [25] => 167864

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167850
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167850
                                            [usage_id] => 8


                            [2] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 14
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA LIGERA Y DECORACIÓN
                                    [description_en] => LIGHT UPHOLSTERY & DECOR
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria ligera.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => n
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167850
                                            [usage_id] => 14



                    [wc_id] => 9251
                    [martindale] => 70000
                    [characteristics] => 
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202855
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => CALIMA
                            [slug] => calima
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/CALIMA.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/CALIMA_m.jpg



    [otherColours] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169766
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
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                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-01.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697667
                    [color] => 01
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
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                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [0] => 160010
                            [1] => 160020
                            [2] => 160029
                            [3] => 160038
                            [4] => 160471

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169766
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169766
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9179
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169767
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [description_large] => 
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-02.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-02.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-02.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697674
                    [color] => 02
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [1] => 160021
                            [2] => 160030
                            [3] => 160039
                            [4] => 160044
                            [5] => 160049
                            [6] => 160053
                            [7] => 160057
                            [8] => 160058
                            [9] => 160464
                            [10] => 160482
                            [11] => 167836

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169767
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169767
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                    [martindale] => 40000
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                            [lang] => en
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                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
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                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169768
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-03.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-03.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
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                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

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                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
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                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
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                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [2] => 160031
                            [3] => 160040
                            [4] => 160045
                            [5] => 160050
                            [6] => 160054
                            [7] => 160473
                            [8] => 167837
                            [9] => 167846
                            [10] => 167853
                            [11] => 167862

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
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                                            [usage_id] => 6


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                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169768
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [3] => stdClass Object
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
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                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-04.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
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                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [1] => 160023
                            [2] => 160032
                            [3] => 160041
                            [4] => 160046
                            [5] => 160051
                            [6] => 160055
                            [7] => 160474
                            [8] => 160483
                            [9] => 167838
                            [10] => 167847
                            [11] => 167854

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169769
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169769
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9182
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169770
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [slug] => austro/05/SKU-169770
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-05.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-05.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-05.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697704
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                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [1] => 160024
                            [2] => 160033
                            [3] => 167839
                            [4] => 169864
                            [5] => 171565

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169770
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169770
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
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                    [brand_id] => 51
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-06.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-06.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-06.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
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                            [id] => 89
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                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

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                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
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                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [2] => 160034
                            [3] => 160468
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                            [5] => 167855
                            [6] => 169865

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                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

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                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
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                                            [article_id] => 169771
                                            [usage_id] => 6


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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
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                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169771
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [slug] => fabrics

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                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


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                    [sync_id] => 344
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                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
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                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-07.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697728
                    [color] => 07
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES FR
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                    [sample] => 
                    [reference] => 
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                            [0] => 160016
                            [1] => 160026
                            [2] => 160035
                            [3] => 160469
                            [4] => 167841
                            [5] => 167849

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169772
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169772
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9185
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169773
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [slug] => austro/08/SKU-169773
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-08.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-08.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-08.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-08.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697735
                    [color] => 08
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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [1] => 160027
                            [2] => 160036
                            [3] => 160042
                            [4] => 160047
                            [5] => 167842
                            [6] => 167850

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169773
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169773
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9186
                    [martindale] => 40000
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169774
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
                    [description] => AUSTRO 09
                    [slug] => austro/09/SKU-169774
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => 
                    [miniature] => 
                    [images] => Array

                    [ean] => 8400001697742
                    [color] => 09
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [1] => 160028
                            [2] => 160037
                            [3] => 160043
                            [4] => 160048
                            [5] => 160052
                            [6] => 160056
                            [7] => 160470
                            [8] => 167843
                            [9] => 167851
                            [10] => 167856
                            [11] => 167864

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169774
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169774
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                    [martindale] => 40000
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                            [lang] => en
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                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169775
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                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-11.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-11.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697759
                    [color] => 11
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
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                            [0] => 160010
                            [1] => 160020
                            [2] => 160029
                            [3] => 160038
                            [4] => 160471

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169775
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169775
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9188
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169776
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [description_large] => 
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-14.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-14.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-14.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697766
                    [color] => 14
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                            [1] => 160023
                            [2] => 160032
                            [3] => 160041
                            [4] => 160046
                            [5] => 160051
                            [6] => 160055
                            [7] => 160474
                            [8] => 160483
                            [9] => 167838
                            [10] => 167847
                            [11] => 167854

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169776
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169776
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9189
                    [martindale] => 40000
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169777
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-16.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-16.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697773
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                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
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                            [1] => 160025
                            [2] => 160034
                            [3] => 160468
                            [4] => 167848
                            [5] => 167855
                            [6] => 169865

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
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                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169777
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169777
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9190
                    [martindale] => 40000
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
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                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169778
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
                    [description] => AUSTRO 17
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                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-17.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-17.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-17.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-17.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697780
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                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [1] => 160026
                            [2] => 160035
                            [3] => 160469
                            [4] => 167841
                            [5] => 167849

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169778
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169778
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9191
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [13] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169779
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-19.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-19.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-19.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697797
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                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [1] => 160028
                            [2] => 160037
                            [3] => 160043
                            [4] => 160048
                            [5] => 160052
                            [6] => 160056
                            [7] => 160470
                            [8] => 167843
                            [9] => 167851
                            [10] => 167856
                            [11] => 167864

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169779
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169779
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9192
                    [martindale] => 40000
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                            [lang] => en
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                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [14] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169780
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-24.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-24.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-24.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697803
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                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
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                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
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                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
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                            [2] => 160032
                            [3] => 160041
                            [4] => 160046
                            [5] => 160051
                            [6] => 160055
                            [7] => 160474
                            [8] => 160483
                            [9] => 167838
                            [10] => 167847
                            [11] => 167854

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                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
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                                            [article_id] => 169780
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169780
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169781
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-26.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-26.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-26.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697810
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                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
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                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [1] => 160025
                            [2] => 160034
                            [3] => 160468
                            [4] => 167848
                            [5] => 167855
                            [6] => 169865

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169781
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169781
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9194
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169782
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-29.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-29.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-29.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697827
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                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
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                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
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                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [1] => 160028
                            [2] => 160037
                            [3] => 160043
                            [4] => 160048
                            [5] => 160052
                            [6] => 160056
                            [7] => 160470
                            [8] => 167843
                            [9] => 167851
                            [10] => 167856
                            [11] => 167864

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169782
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169782
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [lang] => en
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                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [17] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
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                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-34.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-34.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
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                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [simtipo] => 3
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
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                            [2] => 160032
                            [3] => 160041
                            [4] => 160046
                            [5] => 160051
                            [6] => 160055
                            [7] => 160474
                            [8] => 160483
                            [9] => 167838
                            [10] => 167847
                            [11] => 167854

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
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                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
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                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169783
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169783
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9196
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [18] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
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                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [description_large] => 
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-39.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-39.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-39.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697841
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                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 450
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
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                            [2] => 160037
                            [3] => 160043
                            [4] => 160048
                            [5] => 160052
                            [6] => 160056
                            [7] => 160470
                            [8] => 167843
                            [9] => 167851
                            [10] => 167856
                            [11] => 167864

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169784
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169784
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9197
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
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                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [19] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169785
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
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                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-44.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/AUSTRO-44.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
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                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

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                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
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                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
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                            [2] => 160032
                            [3] => 160041
                            [4] => 160046
                            [5] => 160051
                            [6] => 160055
                            [7] => 160474
                            [8] => 160483
                            [9] => 167838
                            [10] => 167847
                            [11] => 167854

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169767
                            [2] => 169768
                            [3] => 169769
                            [4] => 169770
                            [5] => 169771
                            [6] => 169772
                            [7] => 169773
                            [8] => 169774
                            [9] => 169775
                            [10] => 169776
                            [11] => 169777
                            [12] => 169778
                            [13] => 169779
                            [14] => 169780
                            [15] => 169781
                            [16] => 169782
                            [17] => 169783
                            [18] => 169784
                            [19] => 169785

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169751
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169785
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169785
                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
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                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
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                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg



    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
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                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/CEFIRO-01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/CEFIRO-01.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697513
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                    [sizes] => null
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                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 380
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 97
                            [simcarasc] => a
                            [simcar] => a
                            [description_es] => En seco productos minerales
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean with minerals
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean with minerals

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
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                    [sample] => 
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                            [1] => 169752
                            [2] => 169753
                            [3] => 169754
                            [4] => 169755
                            [5] => 169756
                            [6] => 169757
                            [7] => 169758
                            [8] => 169759
                            [9] => 169761
                            [10] => 169762
                            [11] => 169763
                            [12] => 169764
                            [13] => 169765

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169786
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169751
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 9270
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169786
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
                    [description] => FORNAX 01
                    [slug] => fornax/01/SKU-169786
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/FORNAX-01.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/FORNAX-01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/FORNAX-01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/FORNAX-01.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697865
                    [color] => 01
                    [size] => 280 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 415
                    [avg_roll] => 30.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 83
                            [simcarasc] => S
                            [simcar] => S
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_prof_textile_care/gin_sym_pro_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 66
                            [simcarasc] => B
                            [simcar] => B
                            [description_es] => Secadora ligera
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_low.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low tumble dry max. 60º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_low.jpg
                            [description] => Low tumble dry max. 60º C

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
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                            [1] => 160010
                            [2] => 189247
                            [3] => 189253
                            [4] => 171690
                            [5] => 176757
                            [6] => 114198
                            [7] => 172905
                            [8] => 192564
                            [9] => 166587
                            [10] => 170552
                            [11] => 114460

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169786
                            [1] => 169787
                            [2] => 169788
                            [3] => 169789
                            [4] => 169790
                            [5] => 169791
                            [6] => 169792
                            [7] => 169793
                            [8] => 169794
                            [9] => 169795
                            [10] => 169796
                            [11] => 169797
                            [12] => 169798
                            [13] => 169799
                            [14] => 169800

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169751
                            [2] => 167806
                            [3] => 169739
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 6
                                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => k
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169786
                                            [usage_id] => 6


                            [1] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169786
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 8510
                    [martindale] => 40000
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 167806
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 201159
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                    [slug] => fulgoria/16/SKU-167806
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/FULGORIA-16.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/FULGORIA-16.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/FULGORIA-16.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/FULGORIA-16.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001678062
                    [color] => 16
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 280
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
                    [allow_decimals] => 1
                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 97
                            [simcarasc] => a
                            [simcar] => a
                            [description_es] => En seco productos minerales
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean with minerals
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean with minerals

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
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                    [sample] => 
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                            [1] => 169747
                            [2] => 169806
                            [3] => 169810
                            [4] => 169814
                            [5] => 170554
                            [6] => 170557

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169664
                            [1] => 169666
                            [2] => 169667
                            [3] => 169668
                            [4] => 169669
                            [5] => 169670
                            [6] => 169671
                            [7] => 169672
                            [8] => 169673
                            [9] => 169674
                            [10] => 169675
                            [11] => 169676
                            [12] => 169677
                            [13] => 167806
                            [14] => 169678
                            [15] => 169680
                            [16] => 169681
                            [17] => 169682
                            [18] => 169683
                            [19] => 169684
                            [20] => 169685
                            [21] => 169686
                            [22] => 169687
                            [23] => 169688
                            [24] => 169689
                            [25] => 169690
                            [26] => 169691
                            [27] => 169692

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 165781
                            [1] => 169831
                            [2] => 169861
                            [3] => 169872
                            [4] => 171565
                            [5] => 169944

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 167806
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 11533
                    [martindale] => 
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                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 201159
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => CONTRACT PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [slug] => contract-pepe-penalver


            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [sync_id] => 344
                    [lang] => en
                    [product_id] => 169739
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                    [collection_id] => 202899
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                    [slug] => hefesto/00/SKU-169739
                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/HEFESTO-00.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/HEFESTO-00.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/HEFESTO-00.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/HEFESTO-00.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001697391
                    [color] => 00
                    [size] => 274 Cm
                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
                    [weight] => 490
                    [avg_roll] => 35.00
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                    [artSL_lavado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
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                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 60
                            [simcarasc] => <
                            [simcar] => <
                            [description_es] => No lavar seco Percloroetileno
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_donot_p.jpg
                            [description] => Do not dry clean with Perchloroethylene

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

                    [artSL_centrifugado] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
                            [description_es] => No Centrifugar
                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
                    [measure] => m
                    [distribuido] => 
                    [alternative_id] => 
                    [composition] => 100% PES FR
                    [status] => VI
                    [sample] => 
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                    [memo_article_id] => 
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                            [0] => 169664

                    [otherColours] => Array
                            [0] => 169739
                            [1] => 169740
                            [2] => 169741
                            [3] => 169742
                            [4] => 169743
                            [5] => 169744
                            [6] => 169745
                            [7] => 169746
                            [8] => 169747
                            [9] => 169748
                            [10] => 169749
                            [11] => 169750

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169751
                            [2] => 169786
                            [3] => 167806
                            [4] => 170552
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
                    [usage_recommendation] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                                    [ilavado_char] => o
                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                                            [article_id] => 169739
                                            [usage_id] => 8



                    [wc_id] => 8648
                    [martindale] => 
                    [characteristics] => 
                    [type] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


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                    [product_id] => 170552
                    [type_id] => 6
                    [brand_id] => 51
                    [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
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                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/NOTOS-01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
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                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/NOTOS-01.jpg


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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
                    [raporth] => 
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
                            [simtipo] => 1
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description_en] => Wash max.30º C
                            [simlavable] => 1
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

                    [artSL_lejia] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 112
                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not bleach
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

                    [artSL_plancha] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
                            [description_es] => Plancha Temperatura Baja
                            [simtipo] => 3
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

                    [artSL_limpieza] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 97
                            [simcarasc] => a
                            [simcar] => a
                            [description_es] => En seco productos minerales
                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean with minerals
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean with minerals

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
                            [description_es] => No Utilizar Secadora
                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description_en] => Do not tumble dry
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

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                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description_en] => Do not spin
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
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                            [1] => 169684
                            [2] => 169801
                            [3] => 169812

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                            [0] => 170552
                            [1] => 170553
                            [2] => 170554
                            [3] => 170555
                            [4] => 170556
                            [5] => 170557
                            [6] => 170558

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                            [1] => 169751
                            [2] => 169786
                            [3] => 167806
                            [4] => 169739
                            [5] => 169801

                    [memo] => 
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                                    [id] => 8
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                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
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                                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
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                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg


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                    [description_large] => 
                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/SUMMANUS-01.jpg
                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/SUMMANUS-01.jpg
                    [images] => Array
                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [lifestyle_id] => 
                                    [image] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG 1200/FR BLACKOUT/SUMMANUS-01.jpg
                                    [miniature] => PEÑALVER/TELAS JPG/FR BLACKOUT/SUMMANUS-01.jpg


                    [ean] => 8400001698015
                    [color] => 01
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                    [sizes] => null
                    [raportv] => 
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                            [id] => 89
                            [simcarasc] => Y
                            [simcar] => Y
                            [description_es] => Lavar Maxímo a 30 º
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                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_washing_jpg/gin_sym_was_30.jpg
                            [description] => Wash max.30º C

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                            [simcarasc] => p
                            [simcar] => p
                            [description_es] => No Lavar con Hipocloritos
                            [simtipo] => 2
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_bleaching/gin_sym_ble_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not bleach

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                            [id] => 37
                            [simcarasc] => %
                            [simcar] => %
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                            [description_en] => Low iron max. 110º C
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_ironing/gin_sym_iro_max_110.jpg
                            [description] => Low iron max. 110º C

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                            [id] => 97
                            [simcarasc] => a
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                            [simtipo] => 4
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description_en] => Dry clean with minerals
                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 1
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/dc_f.jpg
                            [description] => Dry clean with minerals

                    [artSL_secadora] => stdClass Object
                            [id] => 115
                            [simcarasc] => s
                            [simcar] => s
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                            [simtipo] => 5
                            [simimagen] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/GINETEX Symbols/GINETEX_symbols_jpg/GIN_symbols_drying/gin_sym_dry_not.jpg
                            [description] => Do not tumble dry

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                            [id] => 156
                            [simcarasc] => œ
                            [simcar] => œ
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                            [simtipo] => 6
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                            [simlavable] => 0
                            [simlimpiezaseco] => 0
                            [image] => DE CONSERVACION/NOcentrifugado.JPG
                            [description] => Do not spin

                    [artSL_TipoSecado] => 
                    [artSL_Luz] => 
                    [artSL_Pelable] => 
                    [artSL_Rapport] => 
                    [artSL_fuego] => 
                    [artSL_encolado1] => 
                    [artSL_encolado2] => 
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                            [1] => 169684
                            [2] => 170552

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                            [1] => 169802
                            [2] => 169803
                            [3] => 169804
                            [4] => 169805
                            [5] => 169806
                            [6] => 169807
                            [7] => 169808
                            [8] => 169809
                            [9] => 169810
                            [10] => 169811
                            [11] => 169812
                            [12] => 169813
                            [13] => 169814
                            [14] => 169815

                    [otherArticlesInSameCollection] => Array
                            [0] => 169766
                            [1] => 169751
                            [2] => 169786
                            [3] => 167806
                            [4] => 169739
                            [5] => 170552

                    [memo] => 
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                            [0] => stdClass Object
                                    [id] => 8
                                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
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                                            [usage_id] => 8



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                            [lang] => en
                            [type_id] => 6
                            [name] => Fabrics
                            [slug] => fabrics

                    [collection] => stdClass Object
                            [sync_id] => 344
                            [lang] => en
                            [collection_id] => 202899
                            [brand_id] => 51
                            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
                            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
                            [slug] => fr-blackout
                            [image] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/FR BLACKOUT.jpg
                            [miniature] => PEÑALVER/FOTOS IDENTIDAD COLECCIONES/MINIATURAS/FR BLACKOUT_m.jpg



    [memo] => 
    [usage_recommendation] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 6
                    [description_es] => TAPICERÍA
                    [description_en] => UPHOLSTERY
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/tapiceria.png
                    [ilavado_char] => k
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 169773
                            [usage_id] => 6


            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [id] => 8
                    [description_es] => CORTINA Y VISILLO
                    [description_en] => CURTAIN & SHEERS
                    [path_image] => /img/SIMBOLOS DE USO/visillo cortina.png
                    [ilavado_char] => o
                    [pivot] => stdClass Object
                            [article_id] => 169773
                            [usage_id] => 8



    [wc_id] => 9186
    [martindale] => 40000
    [characteristics] => 
    [type] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 344
            [lang] => en
            [type_id] => 6
            [name] => Fabrics
            [slug] => fabrics

    [collection] => stdClass Object
            [sync_id] => 344
            [lang] => en
            [collection_id] => 202899
            [brand_id] => 51
            [brand_name] => PEPE PEÑALVER
            [description] => FR BLACKOUT
            [slug] => fr-blackout

Recommended Usage UPHOLSTERY,
Martindale Rub Test 40000
Weight 450 g/m²
Wash max.30º CWash max.30º C
Do not bleachDo not bleach
Low iron max. 110º CLow iron max. 110º C
Do not dry clean with PerchloroethyleneDo not dry clean with Perchloroethylene
Do not tumble dryDo not tumble dry
Do not spinDo not spin
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